LESSON PLAN TITLE: Password Vocabulary Review
AUTHOR: Dede Landry, Lookout
Mountain School; Golden, CO
GRADE: All grades
NE STANDARDS: 4.1.2 By the end of fourth grade, students will
acquire and use correctly an advanced reading vocabulary.
and use correctly in all content area word related as antonyms, synonyms,
compounds, homophones, and homographs.
reference materials, including and elementary dictionary and thesaurus, to
learn and confirm word meanings.
OBJECTIVES: Reinforce vocabulary - - Identify synonyms and
antonyms for vocabulary words - - List words that relate to vocabulary words -
- Develop appropriate social interactions
MATERIALS: 2x 1 cards -
dictionary - thesaurus
Anticipatory Set: Have students write definitions for vocabulary words
used in a unit in any subject area.
After they have compiled several lists, have them as a group make lists
of words that are synonyms, antonyms.
Activities: Put each vocabulary word on a 2 x 1 card. Divide the class in two teams. Have one person from each team sit in a
chair at the front of the class. Give
them one of the words on the cards.
Each student in turn gives a clue to the word on the card to their
respective team. Give the team a few
seconds to discuss the clue and to come up with the answer. If someone shouts out an answer, that is the
one that is taken. Continue until the
correct word is guessed.
CLOSURE: Students can comment about the many different words
you can use for the same meaning.
ASSESSMENT: Do students demonstrate an
understanding of synonyms and antonyms?